After my frustration of being so unsuccessful at the charity shop yesterday, I was desperate to find something to inspire me to be creative. Then I suddenly realised... another place to get books for free is to borrow them from a library. So I walked down the road to our local library, Ormeau Road, and became a member of Belfast Education and Library Board, Library Service. This means I can borrow books from any library in Northern Ireland! Things got even better too as I looked down the craft shelf to find lots and lots of books. I sifted through contents pages and projects lists and chose four to take home: Felt Crafts (Craft Workshop)by Victoria Brown, Simple Stylish Knitsby Hilary Mackin, Paper Creations Cards and Gifts: Over 35 Paperfolded Designs Featuring Origami, Iris and Teabag Foldingby Steve and Megumi Biddle and Baby Crafts: 25 Projects to Make and Giveby Juliet Moxley.
Watch this space for book reviews!