(Photo by Comfort Creatures)
I have been particularly touched by the kindness of people this week and how simple things that they do can make you feel very special and valued. My Sunday Sunshines this week are therefore a tribute to those people who are generous and thoughtful, touching other people's lives like a ray of sunshine, bringing warmth and a smile to those they touch.
We had some friends and new aquaintances (I would like to consider them friends now) over for dinner and games last week. I had prepared a meal and my husband was bringing some work collegues to our home so that we could get to know each other better and have a fun evening! I was so touched at the thoughtfulness of these people (two of which I had never met before) as they not only brought goodies to supplement the meal but presents for both my husband and I. I received a beautiful big bunch of freesias which smelt divine and a luxurious bar of soap that also smelt lovely. The flowers were so colourful and fragrant and made me smile every time I looked at them this week. My husband received a book which is all about different aspects of moving to a new place, it's called Unaccustomed Earth
by Jhumpa Lahiri. So very thoughtful and appropriate to our life just now.
I feel inspired by the kindness of these people to be more thoughtful myself and as I had enjoyed receiving these surprise gifts so much I thought about how nice it would be to give such gifts also. I have been thinking about what I could make as hand made gifts for people as little tokens of our appreciation for hosting a dinner or for looking after something or for helping us with a difficult situation etc. I would like to be a ray of sunshine for someone else, like they were for me.
I have also been inspired by more animals this week. With the above mentioned friends my husband and I went to a really cool tea house. It was magical inside with secret alcoves and oriental style carpets and high look out points and you sat on cushions around small tables. I really enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere and the quirky decor. Anyway the mugs we drank from had little motifs on them and I particularly liked the cat and the chicken. I really liked the long sausage shape of the cat and I would like to make sock animals from these designs.
Many thanks to my husband for drawing these for me and letting me post them on my blog!